About Us

Essential characteristics leading to the success and profitability of our company will be:
- Provision of high-quality air medical services that are either unserved, poorly served, or under-subscribed by existing carriers, thereby setting both a new trend and a new pace in air medical service, especially the repatriation of casualties from abroad to a receiving hospital or trauma center.
- Employment of cost-effective, up-to-date aircraft that will be sized right for serving the market leads to higher turnover, reduced costs, improved efficiency and flexibility, greater comfort and satisfaction, and more top net profits. Outfitting these aircraft with the latest innovative aviation technologies and navigational and medical equipment will help ensure the highest level of reliability, punctuality, safety, and customer satisfaction.
- Utilization of the most efficient and innovative technologies in operations, reservations, scheduling and resource planning, tracking, and tracing. These techniques will reduce staffing requirements while offering ease of use, greatly enhanced access, and convenience to the customer.